Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Finally Finished!

I'm finally finished with the rewrite and have sent it in to the publisher. :) On the publisher's birthday no less! Now I can finally get started on the second book, while I wait on news for the first. Sure hoping it'll be back out very soon. I've already had some written in the second book but to make it match the first I'm going to have to rewrite what I had in 3rd person as well. No worries though! I wasn't actually that far in the second book so it shouldn't take long. I've never been much for waiting, I do it, but it doesn't mean I like it. lol So the best way to avoid the wait is to keep busy. I'm going to get busy on the second book so the wait won't drive me crazy. :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine Surprise!

I received a message from Goodreads today pretty much telling me what was going on with my book. I'd never received one before so I checked it out. To my huge surprise there were 6 ratings on my book and they were all 5 stars. I couldn't have been happier. Some people were either able to get it before it came off the market for editing or they received it from me, but either way they loved it and I am so excited. I've been hard at work for the past week trying to get it complete. I should be done by the end of the week and I'll send it straight to the publisher as soon as I save it for the last time. It would be great to have it come back out on St. Patrick's Day because it would match my story, but that all depends on how quickly everything can get done on it.
My computer has become a major frustration with me today. The power cord has a short in it or something because even though it's plugged in it goes to battery power and the screen dims. I get the cord bent just right and it comes back on but it's a constant fight to keep it that way. I really dread the cord going out because that means I have to move to the desktop, which is vastly uncomfortable seating wise, and slower than Methuselah. I'm tired of fighting the cord so I'm going to get off here and give it a break. I'll pick up on the edits tomorrow. Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's day and I will post more when I have more news. :)